Molly E. Daniel
Assitant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition
University of North Georgia, Gainesville
An Educator
“I entered the classroom with the conviction that it was crucial for me and every other student to be an active participant, not a passive as the practice of that connects the will to know with the will to become. Learning is a place where paradise can be created” ~bell hooks

National Writing Project
NWP Teaching Consultant
In 2010, I attended the NWP Summer Institute. This experience immersed me in writing at all levels primary, secondary, and the collegiate level. As a fellow, I developed a "demo" project that worked to incorporate voice and primary literacies across levels and disciplines. My experience with the NWP certifies me as a Teaching Consultant with the NWP at active sites. Furthermore, my time with the NWP provided me experience with developing workshops for students and faculty, ways to incorporate "low stakes" writing, and networked me with other NWP fellows and consultants beyond my home site: The Three Bridges Writing Project, housed at Marshall University.